Thursday, January 5, 2017

The Calm Before the Storm?

Parenting, I've said it before and I'll say it over and over again I'm sure, its HARD! My 16 year old daughter who was having so many issues last year is now doing online school (with many stipulations) she is getting all A's and B's, she has a car that she is taking excellent care of and she is working a lot too. She communicates with me and seems to really be figuring life out! Who knew? I have definitely made mistakes as a mom with her, many in fact, but I've had to have done some things right, right? So for those of you who are going through something similar there is a light at the end of the tunnel!
She would tell you she is the way she is in spite of me probably at this point, but I see myself in her.  My stubbornness, my work ethic, even my kindness.  She would never like to admit it but she's my mini me. I'll admit she's much smarter than I was at her age, I mean I was already pregnant with her! She's amazing though, even when we were struggling I kept telling myself how great she was under all the bad decisions. How smart and sweet when it wasn't involving me, apparently I'm the only issue lol.
Now, on that note I have an 11 year old daughter about to come up on these same issues in a few years so, I'm sure I'll have to read this blog myself to feel better about the near future. She too is stubborn, has a huge heart, and is too smart for her own good. You know once they hit a certain age they realize you don't know everything which is short lived until they decide you don't know anything! Then they are the only ones with all the answers, I've learned not to argue with them. They'll eventually figure it out that they're not always right. It takes a few years though.
Then there's my sweet innocent little 9 year old boy who would never do anything wrong, ever. (insert eye roll) I haven't raised a boy but I can imagine that's not true. But we'll see maybe he'll learn from the mistakes of his sisters? One can hope!
Then there's divorce, I've been divorced for a little over a year now and this co parenting is rough! No matter how I try and communicate its pretty much nonexistent. I do think that's a whole other blog post though!